consume, consume, create


About me

I'm Daniel, a software engineer with a passion for turning ideas into reality and visual storytelling. I thrive on problem solving and love the process of bringing innovative solutions to life. Building things, such as this website, is also highly satisfying to me. My passion for technology has also lead me to pursue a M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence. Beyond coding, I’m an avid visual artist - both photographer and videographer. I find joy in capturing moments and crafting stories through photos and video. In my personal life, I love to immerse myself in different subjects and deepen my understanding of the world around me.

Projects (2023) is a project I started aiming to democratise air pollution data in Malta by providing an easy to use platform to display air quality data. The project is built using Python, FastAPI, NuxtJS, TailwindCSS and is deployed using Docker and Github Actions. (2020)

Throughout my 4-year tenure at, I took on the roles of Events Officer, Public Relations Officer, and President in my final year. Part of my contributions to the NGO included the creation of a WordPress website that is easy to manage by future committees and Stripe integrations for effortless donations and memberships.


Few-shot Learning for Low-Data Drug Discovery (2022)

Published on the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, this paper explores the use of few-shot learning for drug discovery. The paper is based on my research for my M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Malta and is co-authored by Dr Jean Paul Ebejer.


A selection of my photography. Gratitude goes to the talented artists, and people who have trusted me to capture their moments and/or creations. I've been taking photos for years now and selecting just a few to showcase here was a challenge.

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A selection of my videography work. Gratitude goes to the talented artists, and people who have trusted me to capture their moments and/or creations.

Cinematic Journals

Reach out!

If you would like to collaborate, reach out to me via the social media links below, or via email on [email protected]. My current focus is more on building web applications, but I'm always open to new opportunities.